CHI 111 DET 101
Nat Alexander
Was my friend
When I was small.
And then he vanished.
Years later,
My dad told me the story
Of the accident
That killed him.
Details so vivid
I can still see it--
Nat’s father,
The red convertible
The swerve.
The screech.
The impact.
My only remaining memory
Of an old friend
I haven’t seen alive
Since I was four or five.
Are crazy.
Was my friend
When I was small.
And then he vanished.
Years later,
My dad told me the story
Of the accident
That killed him.
Details so vivid
I can still see it--
Nat’s father,
The red convertible
The swerve.
The screech.
The impact.
My only remaining memory
Of an old friend
I haven’t seen alive
Since I was four or five.
Are crazy.